GTR screen on my Nexus

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  1. opascoot

    User deleted

    Today I fitted a different screen, one from my other bike, 1400GTR (Kawasaki). It has a touring shield, so the original is doing nothing, till today.
    It is about 5" taller than the Nexus original, also somewhat wider giving me good wind coverage allowing better high speed cruising :D
    Here's some pics form today, also a little ride, 200kms on a nice winding country road!

    at home...

    during my ride...

    the screen, still needs to be refitted and trimmed, today was test-day.




    I will get the cover for the Kawasaki screen to go over where the black tape is now, and with a few
    more rubber bits it should look clean and neat.... good for our winters, today we had 18.5C, nice :D


  2. lucaz82

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  3. eugenesis

    User deleted

    very good !!
  4. Ddrek

    User deleted

    Nice. Please tell me how about noise in helmet when driving wit this screen?
  5. opascoot

    User deleted

    Hello Dtrek!
    sorry- took so long to reply! I remember that the noise was much more reduced and also the turbulence making for a smoother helmet zone. I ended up returning to my old screen back when summer came and then later trading the GTR1400 on another bike with the original screen back in place, now i continue with the Nexus in original trim, I'm only 5.6" with the screen on mid-setting. I wear a Shark Evoline helmet or an Arai XD, which are both already very quiet.
4 replies since 6/7/2008, 12:57   367 views